柴油货车打不着火怎么修? 柴油货车打不着火是哪里问题 柴油货车打不着火突突突响

Diesel truck cant start: How to repairIf your diesel truck cant start, you can try the following m

Diesel truck can't start: How to repair

If your diesel truck can't start, you can try the following methods to fix the problem:

1. Check if the driver's door is closed properly. Sometimes, the automatic驻车键 may get stuck, and you may see the same error message. Just try to push the button twice or wait for a few seconds and it should be fine. It's also possible that the ABS pump is broken.

2. Try to reset the electronic handbrake. Insert the key, turn it to the "on" position, press the brake with your foot, and hold the electronic handbrake up for 5 seconds. This will reset the electronic handbrake and clear any potential errors.

3. If you encounter a problem with the parking brake, the vehicle will usually display a warning light. In this case, it's recommended to go to a repair shop and ask the electrician to clear the故障码 using a diagnostic tool.
