What does the Shanghai AG新能源牌照 mean?
The Shanghai AG新能源牌照 is only allowed for pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and range-extended hybrid vehicles. These three types of vehicles are all traditional新能源 vehicles that rely on electricity to drive and are environmentally friendly. The main advantages of electric vehicles are their low noise levels and faster acceleration. Electric vehicles have a faster acceleration rate and make less noise when driving. They also have no emissions, as they do not produce any废气 during their operation. In contrast, traditional燃油 vehicles emit a lot of废气, which contains complex components such as二氧化氮, causing pollution. The two main types of electric vehicles are pure electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. The former uses its own battery to provide energy, while the latter relies on fuel as a supplement. Currently, the technology of新能源 vehicles has developed well, and there are also significant subsidies for purchasing them.